Friday, January 6, 2012

oatmeal + milk

Last night I had great plans to go out with the girls for a few drinks but a raging headache kept me in bed. I finally decided to get up to take a shower in hopes that the warm water beating on my back would help my aching head. As I got out of my 20+ min steam room, I noticed just how horrific my skin was looking. Broken out and dry - the WORST combo. Every product you put on a blemish dries out the other areas and every product to combat the flakes leaves your pesky pimples looking plumper than ever.

I then remembered my trusty ziplock bag of ground oatmeal and powered milk. The perfect mask for my troublesome face situation. The oatmeal is gentle and soothing while the milk acts as a natural lactic acid, just enough exfoliation for my skin to handle. After 10 mins of letting my clumpy concoction set and dry on my face - voilĂ , I literally felt like a new woman rinsing the mask away. My skin looked much calmer and felt 100 times smoother.

Next time, I definitely wont wait for my skin to look so shabby to use my tried and true favorite mask. Click the video below to check out my YouTube video I made a while ago, all about milk masks.

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